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FARE THEE WELL OLD VAN, THAT IS LONG AND HIGH!! …..Courtesy of Pressbay Motors!

Today we bid an emotional farewell to our Trusty old Long and High – Big Bertha!

Many a Man and Wo-man have you helped in your time! with circa 250,000 miles you have helped move, store and haul sooooo much STUFF, precious, precious stuff! in all weathers hot and cold!  Through your squeaks and groans we were at times un-sure if we would reach our destination at all ….let alone on time!

We never doubted you ……we promise 🙂

…for Now,

hang up your clutch…..let loose your Fanbelt and share your tales with all the other vans in the ….place where old van’s…


Tyres are one of the most important areas a motorist can check on their car. They are the vehicles main point of contact with the road and subject to a huge amount of wear and tear!  Key triggers for checking your tyres are, before long journeys, when temperatures fluctuate (particularly the cold) and after any contact with the kerb or pothole.  The symbol on your dash that lights up for tyre pressure checks typically looks like this.


Tread depth – The legal limit is 1.6mm and above and your tyre has small square wear indicators -as shown in this picture – that quickly shows you at a glance how they are wearing.  Anything close to…


Our vehicles are a little like us, a bit of regular maintenance and we generally stay in good working order…

How does that translate to your car?

Regular ‘cheaper’ vehicle inspections ‘Health checks’ will catch those small problems before they become painfully bigger and more expensive. Let’s take your brakes for example, it’s cheaper to change just the pads earlier rather than the pads AND discs because they wear down to the metal!

In addition, dirty oil and filters can be like poison to a car, they no longer do their job, and the bad stuff thickens the oil which contaminates the engine!

A good garage is rather like your dentist or Doctor, they get to know you, your car and its history…


Remembering when your MOT expires has long since been a tricky business….but not any more!

The GOV.UK website have now set up the handiest of services and it takes just a moment to complete for a years peace of mind, click on the below link to set your MOT reminder up now!


What a yummy surprise to walk into this morning. One box was already devoured before i even turned up! Adam’s face says it all. Many Thanks ‘Primo pets’ for your wonderful feedback and yummy donuts….from the bottom of our very full Tummy’s!